PFAS Dialogue Day 2023

October 12, 2023 at the Fraunhofer ISC, Würzburg

Intensive exchange at the Fraunhofer Chemistry Alliance event "PFAS Ban:
Urgent Tasks for Applied Research" on October 12, 2023


More than 40 representatives from the manufacturing industry, politics, research and society came together for the all-day event to discuss the current problems and challenges associated with so-called "perpetual chemicals".

After welcoming speeches by host Prof. Sextl, Director of the Fraunhofer ISC, and Dr. Löbbecke, Head of the Fraunhofer Chemistry Alliance, the morning was filled with a variety of presentations and questions:

Starting with the toxicological and regulatory background of the planned EU-wide PFAS ban, various voices from the industry were heard through very interesting guest contributions. From the sealing industry to membranes, the electronics industry and fuel cells, the various needs and problems related to the use and substitution of PFAS-containing materials were discussed.

A series of presentations from Chemical Alliance member institutes provided insight into research and possible solutions for substitution.

Lively discussions continued in the afternoon in smaller break-out groups. Scientific and regulatory issues were discussed, as well as industry issues such as competitive advantages and disadvantages. The exchange was very much appreciated by all participants and led to the identification of potential research needs with the Fraunhofer colleagues.

The day was rounded off with a guided tour of the Fraunhofer ISC laboratories.

The Fraunhofer Chemistry Alliance would like to thank everyone for the great interest in information and exchange and is looking forward to continuing the dialogue and organizing further events on the topic of PFAS.